Young Amanda creates an invisible companion named Rudger to join her in her imaginative adventures. When Rudger finds himself alone in the Town of Imaginaries, a place where forgotten imaginary friends reside, he encounters a mysterious threat. This animated film explores themes of love, loss, and the healing power of imagination.
Young Amanda creates an invisible companion named Rudger to join her in her imaginative adventures. When Rudger finds himself alone in the Town of Imaginaries, a place where forgotten imaginary friends reside, he encounters a mysterious threat. This animated film explores themes of love, loss, and the healing power of imagination.
Young Amanda creates an invisible companion named Rudger to join her in her imaginative adventures. When Rudger finds himself alone in the Town of Imaginaries, a place where forgotten imaginary friends reside, he encounters a mysterious threat. This animated film explores themes of love, loss, and the healing power of imagination.